coming soon

Limited availability in the UK

The revolution will be pace-tuned

With Pace-Tunes, Vimazi Shoes Ensure Seamless Transitioning

Don't miss out, join our community now!

Experience the magic of this shoe, captivating from the moment you slip it on.
Feel the thrill as you take your first stride – it's like wearing a custom-tailored trainer, perfectly attuned to your every move. Elevate your progress and training experience to new heights of performance and well-being.

We’re excited to announce that a limited quantity is now available for purchase directly on our website.

Our ultimate goal is to ensure that you receive the perfect shoe tailored specifically to the forces you generate during your activity, such as running or walking. We now have an online calculator which allows you to enter your details so that you can optimise the shoe choice. Alternatively, If you have any questions or would like us to recommend the most optimal shoes for you and your performance, please fill out our form below to connect with an expert who can advise you on the ideal shoe type and size. Our team will carefully review your responses and advise you on the optimal shoe that is finely tuned to your unique requirements.